Tuesday, February 22, 2011


This seems to be a week of being offending, and saying sorry. Skype incident only one of'm. One of my friends is a regular reader of my blog and also one of the few who comments. Mind you, she doesn't always agree with me but she gives her opionion. Which I appreciate very much. Now she hasn't commented for about a week, so sent an email asking if I offended her too. Recent occurrances in my life has made me a bit cautious. She answered something like "what are you on about?" and "I'm not easily offended". Turns out she's been away and hasn't had time for the blog. And this is a bit inside and doesn't make sense to most people. Today another friend told me I had offended yet another friend. This another friend has given me no indication to that, and so was surprised. When asking her, she didn't know what I was talking about. Phew. Think I might be going mad here.

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