Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Guilty until proven innocent

Since Bro grew up (the first 14 years of his life was of no interest to me, who wants to speak to an unintelligible person?) we have been good friends. In terms of meeting up, talking and in general being friends. We share a lot of memories. Apart from having the same parents, we have shared many memorable moments together, we have travelled together, we have done stuff. Together. Since a month that ended. Today we finally spoke, after having no contact for more than a month. That feels weird in itself. I have only been sick three times in his lifetime. One time was when he was 9 years old and he can hardly be blamed for not remembering (had 39°C fever and was quite miserable). The next time was 2004 when I had a cyst removed from my ovary. No big deal that he didn't care. In December last year I had the shoulder operation, but despite that I flew to meet his gf's family. On his request. And now I apparently have offended his future wifes family. I really don't know how. He claims it relates to the blog, but at the same time tells me he hasn't read it. Went back on the blog to read it today, and cannot see how I offended anybody. But since I do not want the gf's parents to think that I did not appreciate the visit I sent an email addressed to gf's parents but to gf, asking her to translate. Got an answer from gf: "see you at the wedding". Yes, avoiding the issue is gonna solve the problem. Good luck Bro!

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