Saturday, February 19, 2011

Poor Peter

After the argument with gf I haven't felt very good. Sleeping problems. Walking around, having doubts about myself. That kinda thing. In these kind of situations I revert to my friends. I don't want to be a bad person. I realize I am not perfect (!), but I really do not think I am that bad. So 6 people have now read through the blog plus that I talked to one relative, and none of them can understand what the issue is. Why do we have an argument? In my mind, people who have an issue with somebody else contacts them (or me) saying, I have a problem with what you said or did. Then we talk about it, and in 99.9% of the time we understand each other and the problem is solved. And "poor" Peter called me this evening. Peter is a very good and old friend of mine. We do not talk every week, more like twice a year, but he phoned me this evening and got the whole story of the family drama. Poor Peter! I texted him later to say "sorry you got me at a bad time, did you want to tell me something?". He responded "nah, just wanted to check that you were all right". Talk about good timing.

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