Thursday, February 24, 2011

Wikileaks and Assange

Tonight there was a live chat in a newspaper with Assange, and I spontaneously sent my question in. It got published! Here's the conversation: Annika: The impression from the press is that this is a conspiracy against you, attacking Wikileaks. What I wonder is if there is any substance to the charges. Can you give any comment to this without compromizing the ongoing investigation? Julian Assange: There is a lot of pressure. We should not let people who want to detract from the seriousness of pressure recast it into a conspiratorial cartoon. That is not how real life tends to work. This case has been going for six months. There are many people and many complicated agendas. Ok, so elegantly avoided to answer my question, but I can see why. But it was cool that my question was good enough to get in there. Only 14 questions got published. Gosh, I'm good!

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