Sunday, April 08, 2007


Friggin bus yesterday. I was standing at the ticket machine trying to get that darn machine to accept my coins. In the meantime the bus arrived. And LEFT! While I was still at the machine. Had a sudden urge to kill that bus driver I tell you. Since it was 15 min until the next bus, and it'd take me 20 min to walk home I walked. Through the forest and everything in the night. I almost wanted to meet some rapist since I was so angry I would've friggin slapped him or something. Almost home I ran into a crowd of something like 500 people at about 23.30. V. weird. So I asked what was going on. The guy looked at me like I was strange and said "Easter". Realized they were all coming out of that church (I think Greek-Orthodox or something). So people do actually go to church. New to me.

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