Thursday, April 12, 2007


Ok, so I'm still busy but let me share this one with you. Had my best gayfriend visiting today. I know I said that I would marry a gay guy anyday, since they are...neat and friendly and funny. But today I got second thoughts about the whole thing. Know what he did? You know when you open a can/tin/jar whatever it is called you unscrew it on the top, pour out whatever is inside and bin the rest. No go with this guy. He unscrewed the top AND the bottom. Put the top inside the tin itself, put the whole thing on the floor and stamped on it. To make it flat. Ok so I'm tidy, neat and like to keep a good house, but I kinda think this is over the top. But maybe I'm just's a phase type of thing. But no, perhaps I won't marry a gay guy :)


Anonymous said...


As you wrote in any other topic (can’t remember which it was): due to age you are now more even-tempered and being able to overlook small things.
So, why not regarding a flat tin? Imagine all the other good things you like at gay guys :-))

Ze German

Witchbitch said...

It would mean a lot of extra work but perhaps you're right. I can learn...