Monday, April 09, 2007


It doesn't hurt to think about how lucky you are sometimes. This evening I ran into somebody who rubbed his stomach. I asked if he had indigestion problems (since I'm an expert on those), and thought I could offer him some medicine. He then told me about stress, family problems and his only brother who died last month from a cerebral bleeding. The only good thing about this is that I am reminded of how lucky I am. After all the stuff that happened to me. And before all that bad stuff happened to me, I was living in an ignorant bliss. Which most people are before bad things happen. Nothing can really prepare you for disasters. You hear other people talk about it, but before it happens to you you cannot really take it in. And that's probably good. Otherwise everybody would live in a constant fear of bad things to happen. But again, it doesn't hurt to be reminded sometimes. I am alive. I live. I have a life. And it could be worse :)

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