Monday, April 09, 2007

Long day

Yesterday I left early in the morning and came home late. It was a great day. I was invited to spend it with a friendgirl and her big family. She has four siblings (all very different!), two parents (quite normal) and some of the siblings have their own families so all in all we were like twenty or so. It's nice for me who doesn't have any family here in Z to be able to "adopt" another one once in a while.

When I landed in her village (yes, I know it's regarded a city...but it's tiny) I was met by the boyfriend. I was then required to bike (!) to the garden. Haven't done that in about 10 years, but discovered it was like sex. Nothing you really forget :).

We then had a big brunch in a garden and my diet went straight out the window (if there had been any). Took a walk. Came back for more food.
During the walk her Mum made a piece of art as shown on the pic. I wonder if she's a Libra?

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