Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Multi-purpose bucket

Was on the lake this afternoon. Fu...fantastic weather. According to Radio Zürichsee "sachtzundzwansk" grad, which in normal language means 26°C. Very few boats out (why?) and practically no waves. Fab! But of course with no food on the boat, just drinks, you have to do the deed once in a while. I have a bucket on the boat which has followed me since at least 25 years. It used to be a wine-making bucket back in the days when I couldn't afford to buy alcohol. The stuff we made was more like sherry, a sweet kinda alcoholic drink. Quite disgusting actually. But cheap :) Then the bucket has been used for cleaning (not by me obviously) and storing things in. Right now it is used as a peeing bucket. And for cooling wine. If this is not multi-purpose, I don't know what is?

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