Monday, April 16, 2007


Still at my age I sometimes get surprised over people's brains. Or lack thereof. You would think that a university-educated person would more easily adopt new things (after all, that is what a university degree is all about, isn't it? The ability to quickly learn). So when I decided to use for the first time I thought that my friends would quickly take to it. How wrong I was. Again :) Well, this is how it went: Person 1: responded at once. More quickly than I actually, before I realized that I have to put in my answer too :) Person 2: claimed she had internet-connection problems (actually probably true), and then put in her answer. Person 3: sent me an email to say he couldn't make any of the three dates suggested. Without going into doodle. Person 4-5 (a couple): still have to answer. Hmmm. You sure you have a univ-degree? Ok, so I think this would be the time to admit that when yesterday I realized my landline phone was not working (battery charged but no connection) I panicked. Thought I'd have to find the receipt, check the guarantee, whatever whatever. Until I talked to my friend today (on the mobile obviously) and he told me to unplug the thing and plug it in again. And then it worked. Why didn't I think of that? It's the first thing you do really when the computer doesn't work, right? May have to re-think this impression I have of myself as being brainy :)


Anonymous said...

perhaps your friends just find it a pain to have to go to some website and register their choices when they are invited somewhere, I know I would. why does everything have to have some internet polling procedure these days?

Witchbitch said...

I just wanted to try it out to see if it worked. Besides, an answer is always good even if it's only an email...