Saturday, April 14, 2007

Small world

Was out tonight (told ya, Friday the 13th so what, that's a phobia I do not have). Met these two guys. They joined "my" table and I thought they were American tourists. Just goes to show how much people knowledge I have... Turned out one of them is a countryman of mine, and the other one is half Italian half American. And they both work for the same company as my brother. Very small world indeed. And oh fuck, I think I overdid it. They invited me to go to Alsace tomorrow, but I'm busy and cannot make it. Have to do the planting and then go to the suburbs for dinner. But casually mentioned that I'm free on Sunday. So are they. So I suggested a boat-ride. Suggested that they bring a picnic-bag. Don't think they expected me to provide the boat. So now we're meeting for a boat-ride on Sunday. Think it'll be kinda cool...

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