Saturday, April 28, 2007

Time flies...

when you're having fun it is said. Guess that's why I haven't been blogging as much as before. Been busy. But here's a question for you apropos that I was having a discussion with a friendgirl of mine. She's smaller than me. Although she claimed that she has gained weight and I have lost a bit, and therefore we are the same size. Wrong. But in order to win the conversation (competitive as always :) I claimed that bigger bodies have bigger personalities. Right or wrong?


Anonymous said...

'Time flies...'

after just finishing watching most of the latest season of The Biggest Loser (if they havent made a German version of this yet I'm sure its coming, but its basically one of those reality TV shows but about losing weight), I'd have to say you're wrong. All those massively fat people seemed to have no personality at all and several of them seemed to become better people as they lost weight. Then again, comparing them to the people on Big Brother who are all skinny, maybe you're right.

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I knew it was too good to be true...