Wednesday, April 18, 2007


Had prepared everything for dinner this evening before friend arrived. And I mean everything. All veggies sliced, pots on stove, table set, only the cooking remained. Takes like 20 min so no point in cooking before. Has to be fresh. So first the "apero" with guess what? Prosecco. And a small bite. Then instruction to friend to either remain in living room or join me in the kitchen keeping mouth shut. Is there anything more annoying than people who instruct you, when you have done all the planning, buying and preparation? Anyway, placed accommodating friend in kitchen with the glass of Prosecco (remember the "champagne glasses" without foot? They were inaugurated today). And put the stove on, started to cook. With only the occasional glance to the recipe. Only when it started to smell burned I realized I forgot to put water in the cauliflower pan :). Ok, small mishap and nothing that couldn't be corrected...

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