Monday, April 23, 2007

Excusez moi

It's been very busy this weekend, so sorry for not blogging all the time. Spent 6 hours on the lake today. I cannot believe I'm tanned already considering it's 22 (well actually 23) April. And I swam today! Ah ok, maybe not swimming. It went like this. Need to pee. It's either the bucket or the lake. Got the idea to maybe try the water. I knew it was cold, I just didn't know exactly how FUCKING COLD! So stepped in with my little feet, ah fuck. But didn't want to be considered a wimp so continued. Legs. Butt. And once there, I thought ahhhhh, nice to pee. And funnily enough the water felt a bit warmer :) Then I hung around the ladder for a bit, and WHAM big wave came. Friggin other boats. Which meant I was as good as wet all over anyway so dipped. Nearly had a heart attack. Assumption is around 15°C. And I never used to swim unless the water was at least 25°C. How people I have changed! PS. When my friend later wanted to swim he dipped a toe, and then quickly decided against it. Wimp :)

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