Thursday, April 26, 2007

New category

Somehow I feel the need to introduce a new Already told you about my education watching "Queer as folk", which I loved. Was very funny. And I cannot believe they left a cliffhanger with Justin. Yes I know why, to make me watch the second season of course but still. I would've anyway. So as you may understand I had dinner with gay friends tonight. My "usual" gay :) and a new friend. New friend just has to learn not to walk into the room wearing a suit and tie, and looking all straight :) Goodlooking guy and seem to be nice too. Deadly combination, which is scarcely uncommon amongst straight people. Just my luck :) But he was nice. I think we really got along. And best of all, he doesn't mind if I blog about him!


Anonymous said...

... he does not mind to blog about him, which seems to turn up your blog will be much more interessting for anyone and in addition - some special education included ;-) ... looking forward ...

Anonymous said...

... just your luck - well let us know how your bloke needs to look and we will all stretch our nose to get a straight one for you - not wearing a tie in bed ...

Witchbitch said...

I have a thing for guys in suits (I know, sorry about that). Tall and big is good.

A tie in bed? Hmmm...;)