Friday, April 13, 2007

Entomophobia and arachnophobia

This is what I have. An (irrational?) fear of insects, particularly spiders. Which is why I could never live in Australia. Love the country, but ouch. Lotsa scary things. Last night I was reading in bed. And when everything else is dark in the flat, only my reading light on, guess what? These friggin thingies like to join. Even though they were not invited. Last night I heard this HUGE buzz and saw something similar to the one previously posted on the blog with pic. I turned my head so quickly I had to take a painkiller later. Still hurts to turn head. Fortunately is was a slow bastard. So I smashed it with my book. Lotsa gooey and blood splattered around, but I was kinda happy to clean it. It is now very dead and still on my bedroom floor. I cannot bring myself to pick it up. Will have to invite a man to my bedroom soon :) Any excuse, right?

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