Sunday, June 21, 2015

Abnormal or not?

Last Friday I was very active. I was with dog, doing the vitaparcours in the morning (joined by my neighbour, who's the only one I know who does sports wearing a hot red lipstick!), walking for an hour in the afternoon and having the riding lesson in the evening. All in all, according to my pedometer I walked around 20 km's, burned about 1,200 calories, was eating moderately and gained weight!

How is that friggin possible?

I seem to go from being close to my goal weight (not the initial one, I reached that one already), then I gain and am far away, then I lose, and it doesn't make any sense to me.

I'm starting to think the scale is making fun of me, but when I weigh myself several times in a row, it does come up with the same weight. And I do vary with up to a kg from one day to another. Is this normal?


Anonymous said...

totally normal as far as I know. I've always had in my mind not to count any weight fluctuations within 2kgs because that was within normal day to day fluctuations, but no idea where that came from.

Witchbitch said...

Good to know, but it's still frustrating!