Thursday, June 04, 2015

Doc talk

So I spoke to the doctor, who did the colonoscopy, and told him exactly my view of things. That his procedure has caused my new problem. Not surprisingly he wasn't of the same opinion. He meant that it would've happened sooner or later anyway. Of course I cannot say for sure, but I doubt it. And he meant that it was the prep that caused it, not the actual procedure. Might be, but it's connected in my mind.

He was also a bit condescending I thought, saying things like "imagine you had cancer, and we didn't check it out, then you would've blamed us for not finding it". Hello? I didn't have any problems before, other than that little one, but now I have two. Which is causing me pain, having to take meds and unnecessary cost.

He also told me that this had never happened before to a patient of his, and that the oberdoctor at the hospital was wrong when he told me yesterday that this sometimes happens after a colonoscopy, "maybe the oberdoctor doesn't have the same experience as I do". Hmmm, guess who I believe?

I am not a happy camper right now. However, apparently I am unique.

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