Saturday, June 27, 2015


Today I had my last group riding lesson this season. Next season I will go on with private lessons. Not that I haven't appreciated and learned, but I think 30 minutes suits me better with more intensive training, not having to look out for others. Plus my goal is still to jump.

Today we did "kadrilj" - not sure what it's called in English - but riding in pairs. It was fun! Two pairs of horses trotting in circles, and moving along each other like we were one. Ish.

And as per my suggestion we had an apero after. Our lesson finished at 8.30 pm and we waited and included the next lesson that finished an hour later. They are better. Way better! But of course they've been riding a lot longer.

Normally we come a bit before the lesson to prepare the horses, then ride, then we all leave and there hasn't been much time to talk and get to know each other, so tonight was fun and we stayed a lot longer than I had anticipated. Most of us brought something to eat and both my bottles of prime Pinot Grigio were gone by the time we left.

Two things I took away from the evening. One, the only guy in our group always brings his daughter, she's very good with the horses even though she's only 8 years old. Today I learned that she's been riding for 4 years already and the father only started to ride in order to be able to go on riding camps with her. That is very sweet, until he told me that she's already better than he is. And he's about as good as I am. Hmmm.

Two, I asked the teacher if she could give me one advice what I should improve after now knowing me for about half a year, she said: "locker sein", meaning relax. And here I was thinking I was the most relaxed person in the world. I guess not. And I know what she means. I tend to tense up a bit and I have to learn that the horse feels it. Sit back, relax, and just give the horse the signs it needs to do its job. Sounds easy in theory, and I will take it to heart. Just not sure I can practise what is preached.

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