Monday, June 01, 2015

A whole lotta shit

Yesterday and today I've been stuffing myself up until two pm this afternoon. Why? I'm doing a colonoscopy tomorrow, and am not allowed to eat after two.

Now, in hindsight, that may not have been the best idea I ever had. 'Cause in an hour I'm gonna have to drink first one liter of a concoction, some powder mixed with water, then another liter of something. The doctor said white wine would be ok, hurray! At least I'd be semi-happy with what most certainly will come after.

Yes, this is when I realized that eating a lot beforehand will have consequences. I expect this evening will be hell.


Followinglight said...

Been there. You may wanna put some reading material and an ashtray in the bathroom. You're going to be in there a long time!

Witchbitch said...

Oh dear! I am still into the first liter, and all I can feel is that I'm full. My belly looks like it will give birth any minute, and I really don't want to drink anymore. Which says a lot coming from me!

Followinglight said...

Patience. You'll have a lot more room very soon!

Witchbitch said...

When was I ever known for my patience :) ? Now into the second liter and no movement. I'm ballooning and will lift sooon!

Followinglight said...

You will lift off soon enough.