Thursday, June 04, 2015

Pain in my mind

I dunno what it is, but when my friend was here I felt little or no pain at all. Now she has left, and it's all coming back. I guess it's a combination of talking about something else than my baboon bottom, and the impact of me taking several painkillers and drinking wine, now wearing off.

Nevertheless, I am very happy for her. A protruding belly (rather than my protruding whatsit), and even though she'll be giving birth to another screaming and non-obedient offspring I am actually happy for her. Because it's what she wants.

And with her living in another city, I can calmly sit back and be glad for her on distance.


Anonymous said...

hmm, you were talking about something else other than you bum? ;)

Witchbitch said...

Yes, I actually was or has your brain gone baby-mushy already ;) ?