Saturday, June 13, 2015

Home sweet home

Some acquaintances of mine were speaking excitedly the other day of their upcoming holiday. In a motorhome. Hmm, having grown up with parents crazy about caravans, which was nice when I was a kid, I wasn't convinced. I mean, as a grownup being cramped up in a small space and forced to be close 24/7. Two adults and a small kid.

Today I ran into them again, and saw the actual car. There is no other way to describe it. Ok, so it had a tiny stove and a itzy-bitzy-sink with a plastic container for the water, but no shower, no toilet and the "double bed", which basically is the back seat put down and providing 125 cm width for two people. And they were exstatic over the "top bed", which apparently was a tiny space in the roof somewhere, not to be seen when I inspected.

I may not be the most encouraging person at all times, and I couldn't help myself but bursting out "but that's not a holiday, it's a nightmare".

I cannot wait to hear their experience when they get back! Possibly with her being pregnant again.

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