Friday, June 05, 2015


Not surprisingly I got an email today, saying that yes they had received my documentation but didn't understand my native language, so could I please explain.

Not sure how it could be much clearer since it on the front page stated the four different ages when I can choose to collect my pension, and with the amounts in bold written below. However, I sent a polite email explaining as best I could.

But it got me thinking. When I was working in the 80's and 90's I had some private insurances, which I lost track of and haven't received any info about for ages. The insurance company no longer exist, but (thanks google!) I found the new owners, sent my personal data over to ask if I was registered with them. An hour later I had the answer. Yes, I have three insurance policies with them, and they will give me money! Money I didn't count on and had completely forgotten.

So I sent it over to ze Swiss lady who is handling my request for citizenship, of course politely explaining that I had forgotten bla-bla-bla, thinking that maybe she'll now be happy enough to submit my request to the higher authorities. But who knows? Ze Swiss are inventive, and she might come up with something else to ask me about. Luckily I have nothing to hide.

And it's worth mentioning, that three emails have been exchanged between me and the insurance company in the last couple of hours. And it didn't cost me a dime!

PS. I still remember, it must've been the late 80's when I got a bonus of the equivalent of maybe 1,000 francs and I chose to put it into the pension insurance, rather than cashing it in, and everybody thought I was crazy. They thought I was too young and should've spent the money instead. Well, who's laughing now?


Anonymous said...

yay, forgotten money is great.
ha, you thought they'd accept a foreign language document? At least they didn't ask you to pay for official translation.


Witchbitch said...

Well, what did they expect when asking for a document from my native country? That the whole document was translated into German? At least an explanation was translated into like 12 different languages, incl German, but I guess they didn't look at that.

And another positive thing. I was talking to a retired friend and he mentioned that I might have yet another insurance, and when investigating I found out that I do. Now I'm just waiting to see how much, but my expectations are low.