Tuesday, June 09, 2015

Better late than never

There are a couple of things I tend to push forward, I know they've gotta be done but I seem to always find an excuse. But today I did them both, and feel really good about myself.

The first one is to scrub the toilet and the sink, and I don't mean just pouring liquid down the bowl and do a quick to-and-fro with the brush, but really scrubbing the whole thing.

The second one is to do admin stuff. I used to excel in it, and I still do, but I don't like it much anymore. There were papers all over the place, invitations (cancer fund and old peoples home), this pension stuff I've been collecting for ze Swiss citizenship thingie including some extremely boring broschures which I tried to read but gave up on, something about my telly not working anymore unless I do whatsit (still there 'cause I never watch telly and couldn't be arsed to read it), an offer to buy solar cells to I guess get cheaper electricity in the future (saved it to be discussed at the next GV), an expired "free candles" voucher, copies to be sent to my insurance company due to my poor health lately, and I dunno what. And this was only the last maybe three weeks.

What wasn't there were bills. They I always take care of immediately, or at least within the next few days. Unfortunately not all are electronic yet, but I don't like being in debt, so that's a priority with me.

And tomorrow is a busy day. Lots to do. And among other things I will do something I never thought I would. If it goes through I'll let you know. Maybe ;).

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