Saturday, June 13, 2015

Move your arse

Yesterday I was having a riding lesson again, and for the first time I wasn't enjoying it.

First of all, it was hot as hell, and at one time I felt like I was boiling and had to stop for a few minutes. The problem is when riding is that you wear a helmet (and you should!) but normally 60% of the heat is lost through the head (depending on temperature) and the helmet is keeping the heat there. I was honestly afraid I was gonna have a stroke or something. I was completely soaked.

Second, and more importantly, I was given a fairly big horse who doesn't like to move his rather large ass. I know, you're supposed to whip him into shape and get him going, but that's not me. I don't think that force should be used, so I tried anyway. And tried. And tried. And so forth. It was me against half a ton. Guess who won?

And I tell you, even compared to when I started to do sports again last year, I haven't been in this much pain (from exercise i.e.) since I cannot remember. I was working today and sank to my knees to greet the black panter cat, and could hardly get up again. Maybe fitting, in an old peoples home.

Me and 80-100 years old, moving at the same pace. Yup, it's downhill from here like they said.

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