Sunday, June 07, 2015

In the forest the mighty forest

As my problem has become a little bit smaller, I was out running again today (ok, when I say run I mean powerwalk/jog but actually more jog than the other). Had to do it really early, yesterday it was 38°C and it's gonna be hot again today.

It started out very nice. As I was jogging all of a sudden I looked up and saw a deer just 3-4 meters from me. It was standing so still so I was confused thinking, is it a statue? Then I stopped and silly me started to softly talk to him, just like I do with my cats. He took a couple of jumps and hid behind some trees, but I could still see him and he looked back at me. They must be really used to people. A beautiful sight.

Then something really strange happened. I was jogging along and stopped at a station to do the exercise. A woman running behind me came up to me and said "excuse me, but I saw you running with the weights and your left shoulder is higher than the right". WTF?!? Then she continued to run, but stopped again saying "but just a little". I was stunned. What an odd comment.

Yes I know that my left leg is a little bit longer than the right one, some millimeters or maybe half a centimeter. It's been like that my whole life and has never bothered me. But apparently it bothered her.

Saw her again at the end when we were both drinking water. She smiled and said goodbye, whereas I glared and considered saying "excuse me for not being symmetrical", but I didn't. Instead I ran past her hoping she got a good look at my unsymmetrical self.


Anonymous said...

what a total weirdo! (the commenting woman that is). why is it that Swiss people love to give their unsolicited negative opinions.
slight exaggeration on the 38 degrees though! (and no the thermometer on you balcony does not count as an accurate measure)

Witchbitch said...

Oh no, 38° is the fact on my balcony, usually 2° more than on the "official" thermometer up at the bus/tram station.

But yes, weirdo woman. If I see her again, especially if she opens her mouth, I might give her a piece of my mind.