Sunday, June 28, 2015

Overweight kids

I was in the forest running (intervals - half running - half powerwalking) this morning, and I wasn't alone. There are always people jogging, running or doing various exercises. And they all seem very fit. Mind you, I realize that they look fit because they are out there exercising.

The other day I was dog-walking and I saw a group of kids coming with their teacher from the forest, maybe 10-12 years old and almost half of them were overweight. What is wrong with the parents? Don't they see that their offspring will have problems later in life? And what do they feed the kids these days?

Trust me, I know how hard it is to lose weight, but I learned that staying normalweight is to do a lifestyle change, not a diet, not cut out everything, but to try and eat as healthy as you can (eat your friggin greens kids!) and to move your body. Nothing should be forbidden, but an awareness about what you put in your belly will have to be burned off somehow.

I thought this problem only (more or less) existed in the US and Britain but it seems to have come to Switzerland too. Makes me think that weightloss coaches is a coming-up profession. How sad that is.

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