Tuesday, June 02, 2015

Baboons bottom

So yesterday was a bit uncomfortable. The worst thing was the first 1,5 hour when I had to drink 1,5 liter, and before the evacuation started, 'cause I felt so bloated and swollen. After that it was almost ok, I drank and drank, and ran to the bathroom on and off. No pain which was good, just a lot of drinking and shitting, which made my arse a bit sore. Could've been worse.

I slept well and got up at five this morning. Drank another two liter and same thing happened, only less. Felt like I had a baboons bottom.

This morning I had the colonoscopy done. Took about ten minutes and was a breeze. Ok, when doc pumped air into my belly it was a bit uncomfortable, but I did it without anaesthetics and I could follow the whole procedure on the screen. It was a bit unreal to see my own intestines.

Now to the bad news. Everything was fine and as I suspected the whole thing was unnecessary. However, my problem remains, so now I've been referred to another doc who most probably will do an operation. I don't have haemorrhoids, what I do have is a like a skin tag which is a spot with thickened skin near the opening and which is painful when doing No 2.

So two months later, with the same problem, but with the experience of a colonoscopy (which I could've lived without) and most certainly a bill waiting. Hmm.

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