Friday, June 19, 2015


The other day one of my cats threw up. It does happen once in a while, when they've gotten hairballs or eaten an insect or something. Nothing to be worried about, unless it goes on for days.

But they don't throw up just once, they puke a big pile of unprocessed food, then a smaller somewhere else and maybe a third little pool of saliva. No big deal, it doesn't smell and is easy to clean up since they most of the time have the courtesy to do it on the floor and not on the few carpets I have.

However, yesterday I saw a number one pile on the balcony (I had already cleaned up the inside smaller piles, duh, I'm not that unclean), and was gonna remove it, but something came it between so I forgot all about it.

And today I was with dog. This afternoon I went on the balcony to look for the owner who was approaching and doggie came with me, and before I knew it, she was eating the pile. Oh dear.

But I do remember another time when one cat also ate the puke of the other. And it didn't effect her. Saw doggie again this evening and she seemed fine. If that's not recycling I dunno what is.


Anonymous said...

ah, dogs are gross, eat everything including their own poop, and are always fine.

Witchbitch said...

Their own poop? So if I had a dog I only had to buy dog food once, and then it would be recycled no end ;) ?