Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Alco and sex

Ok, time to beef up the visit numbers a bit. Nothing attracts people like a bit of alcohol and sex. Especially sex. Conversation I had today. Him: "I didn't sleep at all last night". Then rambling on about how bad a cold he has. Me: "You know, that is normally not what you connect a sleepless night with". Him: "HAHAHA! I am not much for alcohol." Me: "Who said something about alcohol?" Him: "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Moral of the story: He either got very embarrassed or I need to get laid...


chad and cheryl said...

I think you need to get laid - he thought until he read this, that you were still talking about alcohol....and he sleeps very well after, thank you very much :-)

Witchbitch said...

Me and alcohol? Naaah.