Sunday, September 09, 2007


You know what is nice with LTF's? They know how you are. The things you like, the things you do not like. Like tonight. We were watching Dr House...ok, this is a must when you visit me and it happens to be a Sunday evening. And sometimes this includes watching gory stuff like blood and the likes. Friend: "you are a bit squeamish, are you not?. You don't really like this stuff?" Me: "No". It is soooo comfortable with people who knows you. We like the same things like the sarcasm of dr House but not the gory details. We laugh at the same things. I know for example that she always has pepper on her food before even tasting it. That's her thing. I even learned a new word for it: idiosyncrasy. It's not quite like idiot, but close :) Nothing is like LTF's. You don't have to pretend. You don't have to do or be anything but yourself. It's extremely comfortable. I just wish I'd see this particular one more often then every 6 years! PS. LTF = Long-Term Friend.

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