Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Two left feet

Had a really interesting discussion this evening. This guy I know was telling me about how he was skating the other evening, inlines you know. Or rollerblades. Whatever. The interesting thing was that he said he had troubles with braking. Apparently these gizmos have braking devices (yeah I guess that goes to show how much I know!) and since he's a left-footer he had troubles. "So", I asked, "you write with your left hand then?". And here's the interesting bit. He said no. How is it possible to be right-handed and left-footed? Personally I think he has a twist in his brain. But on the other hand I don't know which foot I am. I do know that I write with my right hand, but since I've never written with any of my feet, how would I know?


Anonymous said...

'two left feet'
I was going to say this sounds like a load of rubbish, but I s'pose footballers and the like have a preferred foot.
anyway why doesn't he just fit the brake to his left rollerblade instead of the right one - seems like a no-brainer to me.

Witchbitch said...

Because he was borrowing the inlines and I guess they were fitted for the owner.