Sunday, September 09, 2007

Banana plantation and dancing Swedes

This weekend I met a lot of "odd" people. Not entirely sure my friendgirl and I would fit into that category, but then again, maybe we would... Like today, we met this guy who works in Zurich 6 months every year. Then he goes back home to Aussie-land to mind his banana plantation for the other 6 months of the year. Not a bad deal actually. Spending the winter months away from here when it's summer there. Clever boy. On Friday we ran into a group of Swedes. Funny bunch they are. When they sat down at our table I said "Swedes. Construction business". And guess what? That's exactly what they were. But they were funny. And not bad dancers. But ok, when they phoned yesterday midnight to ask if we were up for another dance we didn't go. Perhaps because I didn't get the voice mail until this morning :)

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