Tuesday, September 25, 2007


Well, at least I know M has safely arrived in another continent. How I know? Just because he had messed up when he tried to put on his mobile and needed me to give him his puk. Which I was instructed to get from his bag in his room. While rumbling about trying to find the thing I saw some plastic folders containing bus and tram timetables. How organized is that? Do you know anybody who has that? The only one I can think of is that guy in Chicago, but he would have them in an excel spreadsheet - possibly with some neat pivot tables...and how inconvenient that would be. To look up the time at a computer when running for the bus :)


Anonymous said...

'organised' (sorry cant bring myself to spell it the American way)

I've got printed out bus timetables, but thats only because the buses here only come like once every half an hour and I hate waiting at bus stops.

Witchbitch said...

Ok fair enough, but here in Zürich there are more buses and trams than straight men...