Wednesday, September 26, 2007


Last week I got a call from the place I usually frequent. Said he had a question for me. He was very mysterious and asked if I was coming to see them that evening. The answer was of course yes. Turned out he wanted to know about which company I used for my boat classes (that so sadly had to be put on hold, because of other priorities). So I recommended the one I had, which I thought was really good. If you dig back far enough on the blog, you'll find it. Told me tonight he had his first lesson. And whoah, was it difficult he said. Yes I know. The thing is that this particular guy is a sailor, knows his way around a boat. And has passed the theory test. But has never been exposed to "real" boats, i.e. motor boats. It was really fun to discuss buoy overboard, front parking, side parking and the likes. Realize how much I miss having to stop these activities. Made me think I have to pick up on it again. I really do hate not finishing a project!

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