Sunday, September 30, 2007

One at a time

Was quickly in town this evening and of course popped into my place to say hello. Nearly turned in the door though, since this couple seemed to be a bit too close for my taste in public (they ever heard of getting a room?). Anyway, this new younger guy who works there said something about his girlfriend. This is a real challenge sometimes with people who do speak English, but not good enough to get the jokes. Anyway, said I had seen him with this girl, and was that his girlfriend? Yes. Which one? I asked. He looked disgustedly at me. Ah well, he's young and innocent. How sweet. "How many do you have?" he asked me. "Only one at a time", I answered. That finally made him laugh. Oh, the sweetness of youngsters in love. Bet they have never watched Dr House :)

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