Saturday, September 29, 2007

A manly voice

But let's start at the beginning of the evening. Was picked up by friendgirl (who didn't recognize me due to hat...and had to call) in Kloten. Kloten is suburbia close to the airport. A place you don't really wanna be at, but ok, it's got a train station. So got into friendgirls car. She has a gizmo that tells you where to go. A male voice to say "in 700 meters you have to turn left". And then "in 300 meters you have to turn left". Very often I heard "you are driving too fast and need to slow down". This manly voice got a bit confused since she had programmed the way to where we were going, but not the de-tour to pick me up. But he straighted up. Eventually. And directed the way all the way to Germany. (Funny today when I spoke to a friend and said I'm off to Germany this evening. "Are you flying?". Hmm. Not exactly. It took us about 30 min to drive to the place). The customs was a joke. A little building with a man standing on the side. We didn't stop. But then again, what would we smuggle to Germany? Everything is cheaper there. Same thing going back though. We should've packed the car with cheapo things to buy in Germany, like gurkenhappen :)

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