Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Not sure about spelling of this particular hormone, since Cambridge dictionary doesn't support it. Fairly sure it exists though. Tonight in bar: Girl 1: I have been to this shop and they sell a sort of perfume that attracts men. Bloody expensive. 100 francs. Guy 1: Oh please, let me smell. Guy 2: Me too. Guy 3: Yes, I want to try too. Me: (stretching my arm out) here is soap and water. And on it goes. Guys making fun of it. Eventually I lean over to the girls and say: "how come you're standing there with two girls? and I'm here with three guys?". Curtain down.


Anonymous said...

'Pheromones' ;)

chad and cheryl said...

It's pheromone...with a 'ph', like phat :-)

Witchbitch said...

Great! Now we have two besserwissers reading the blog :)...and thank you.

chad and cheryl said...

before I become insulted, what is a besserweiser?

Witchbitch said...

Haha! It's a lovely person ;)