Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Poor people

I had no idea there were so many poor people in Switzerland, but according to the news yesterday 500,000 out of the 7,500000 living here are classified as poor. That's almost 7%. That's a lot, isn't it? The article was about not having to pay taxes if you are on minimum pay, which is 2,200 to 2,500 CHF a month. I guess those tax francs we can live without, cannot be much. But jeez, living on 2,500 a month? Well, you do what you have to do I guess. Fortunately I can do more...


Anonymous said...

'poor people'

pah! 2,500 CHF a month is hardly poor, even in Zurich you can live on that easy

Witchbitch said...

How? Live in suburbia and only eat spaghetti?

Anonymous said...

when I met you I was earning under that and still managed plenty of nights out. sure, you gotta share rent and bills, but definitely doable. I also lived for 6 months on 1900 a month which sucked. but I wouldnt have said was poor per se, but 6 months was the limit. but yes, more is better, way way better.

Witchbitch said...

When you're young you can survive only on loooove ;)