Thursday, January 29, 2015


One thing I've been thinking about a lot lately is religion. Not because I'm about to be religious, but because it seems that all the bad in the world is coming from just that. Fundamentalists, who claim that they do bad things in the name of Jesus, God, Muhammed or whatever they are called.

I really don't care what religion you have, and I respect that people have to believe in something, as much as I expect them to belive that I don't, but I draw the line at violence.

When you hurt people 'cause of your belief, you should sit yourself down, take a deep breath, and slowly realize that you're the idiot.

The only thing I have against religion, apart from violence, is when you impose something on children, like the orthodox jews do with the curly hairdos on kids. What the f...? If the kids want to look ridiculous when they are adults, fine with me, but don't push something on your children before they are grown up enough to make a decision for themselves.

And another thing. These burkhas to cover up women. I hate it, and I really do want it forbidden. Yes I like democracies, and everybody should do what they want within reason, but I fail to believe that any woman would want to cover themselves up. Why is it that we see documentaries about women in burkhas who dress themselves up underneath and do nailpaint and whatsit? Because they don't wanna show it? I don't think so.

Nah, religion is not for me, but I do realize that some people crave it. That's fine, but quit hurting others. And yes, I believe that the Palestine-Israel conflict now will be solved!

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