Wednesday, January 07, 2015

Coop and Migros same shit - or nobody is perfect

When I go shopping I always make sure I get the receipt. I think it's a remainder from the time when I didn't have much money and always had to calculate the amount before I got to the cash counter in order to make sure I had enough to pay for my purchase.

Normally I would check it at home, but sometimes like today, when I didn't have too many items, I took a look at it before leaving. Turned out the shrimps I bought for one of my spoiled cats had gone from 4.90 to 6.25 in one week. So I questioned it. 4.90 was printed on the item, and I was right. As usual :).

But the point was, first I had to wait for the manager of the store, then he had to give me the money back, after that I had to sign a "release form" or whatever, that I had gotten the money back, and finally he charged me with the correct amount. Like I was the person who had done something wrong.

I remember last year when the same thing happened in another store. I got home and saw that the cucumber I should have paid like a franc for had been charged with ten francs for another item. So went back, same thing happened, money back, sign for it, then charged the correct amount.

Every time it feels like I have done something wrong, having to sign my name to something for which wasn't my fault. There must be a better way to treat customers.

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