Friday, January 23, 2015

Riding in a fog

Today I got a horse whose favourite pastime was to...well stand. Or possibly walk slowly. I'm telling you, there is no chance a work-out could do more for burning calories than this.

I was literally working my butt off in order to trot and gallop, and had to use a whip to make him move his somewhat larger ass. I really don't like using tools like that, but was assured by the teacher that it's not hurting, just giving him a strong sign to get going. Only one time was he protesting by kicking his hind legs, and I immediately felt bad. Until he stopped again.

I was trying so hard, that I had condensation on my glasses most of the time. However, he was a charming horse, very sweet and friendly. And I got a semi-compliment afterwards from the teacher, "Annika, that went pretty well". Hurray! Boosted my confidence. But I do wish I'd get Feri next Friday.

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