Thursday, January 22, 2015


Yesterday I started to feel a bit thick, like in the nose, not in the brain if that's what you thought, and today I woke up with a full-blown cold. Already at seven this morning I was awake, with the feeling you normally have after an alco night on the town, thick tongue, dry and not able to breath properly.

Guess I had been sleeping with my mouth open, 'cause my nose was closed up, and had probably been snoring.

Today has been spent using I-dunno-how-many napkins, shots of nose spray and my universal medicine white wine. It's amazing the amount of snot one can produce in a day. Where does it all come from? Sometimes I'm thinking it's the brain that goes.

Ah well, good news is I have no fever, and am high-spirited as usual, so have accomplished a few things despite the runny nose.

The best thing today was a new recipe I tried. Arrack balls. Only I didn't have arrack at home (who does?) so used cognac instead. Rolled in chocolate sprinkles. Mmm!

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