Thursday, January 15, 2015

Energy saving IV

We're still on the trash theme.

Use cloths when cleaning more than once, i.e. avoid paper and wipes.
A no-brainer if you ask me. I even wash the cloths I use in the kitchen and for cleaning. 1 point out of 1.

Have recycle station in your house to make it easier to...well recycle.
I always have a carton on the balcony where I throw all cartons from food, cigarettes and toilet paper rolls carton in. When I see how many cartons I have on the street every month, in comparison to my neighbours I always win. And they have more people in their homes than I. I'm pretty sure it's not because I eat or smoke more. Smoke more yes, eat more no. 1 point for me, 1 top score.

Choose products you buy with less packaging, so that you get less trash.
I gave myself 2 points of out 2 on this one, but am a bit hesitant. Yes, I do rather buy minced meat at Coop where it comes in a plastic bag, rather than Denner and Migros with a plastic container, but I'm not sure how much less waste there is.

Check your fridge regularly, so that you put food in front that is about to go out.
Not a problem for me, since I am the sole eater from my fridge. 3 points out of 3.

Don't waste food. Food stays longer good if you use a plastic container, rather than plastic or aluminium foil. Use a transparent container so that you see what's in it.
Again, I win. 3 points out of 3.

Use batteries that can be charged, rather than the ones you have to recycle.
Hmmm, I gave myself 2 of 2 on this one, but am not sure. But considering I charge my mobile phone, my camera, my Dyson (hand-hoover), my computer and most devices I can think of, I believe I do what I can. But ok, I do have a thermometer on the balcony on battery, a clock and I'm sure something else, so perhaps I overrated my score this time.

25 of 25, challenge me?


Anonymous said...

cleaning cloths: 1
recycle station: 1
packaging - I avoid individual plastic bags for my fruit and veg - just stick the barcode stickers straight onto the fruit: 2
fridge: 3
plastic containers: 3
batteries: I gave up on rechargable batteries a while ago because they just don't hold their charge, don't have many battery operated things but still: 0 (A's easy scoring method: 2)
total: 10/12 (12/12)


Witchbitch said...

I also try to avoid plastic bags for fruit and veg.