Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Ikea gift

Went to Ikea today in order to pick up my gift. I don't think there are many people who can say that got something for free from Ikea, it's kinda not their MO, but I have. Twice now.

It's because I applied for a competition to get a greener world, and didn't make it, probably because I live quite green as it is...or try to...but it rendered me an email saying they would cheer me on and give me a gift as an appreciation. Nice.

While there, my friend and I went through the whole store (as you do) and of course we ended up buying something. Which was the intention from Ikea giving me the gift, I understand, I'm not stupid, but what they didn't expect was that we walked out with purchases of 10.45 francs. Together.

I got a new glass form and my friend bought not only one, but two, potato peelers ;).

But ok, I got a bit crazy in the food shop outside the cash counters, and spent a whopping 32 francs on delicious stuff like herring, marinated cucumber and sweets.

Coming home I checked out the gifts and they were not bad. Two thingies for electricity, you know the ones where you with one button can shut off the whole thing, one thermos in stainless steel and some other less useful things. Not bad!

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