Tuesday, January 13, 2015


I think I'm slowly becoming my own mother. Not that she was a bad person, but you know, a mother is always old in a childs eye.

I remember growing up, and I realized she didn't wash her hair that often. Maybe once a week or a little more often, but still. I was washing mine way more often, 'cause of sports and horses and production of hormones I guess. It used to get fat quickly. And I remember thinking, oh gosh, my own mother is not taking care of her hygiene.

Haha. Little did I know that with age your body dries out. And no, not in the places you may think, but on my head. My hair has all of a sudden become even more delicate than before, and no longer is there a need to wash it every third day like I used to. On the opposite actually, when I don't wash it for a longer period of time, like four or five days, it looks better.

So now I have a real dilemma. Riding lessons every Friday, when my head gets really sweaty and possibly stinky (not sure, cannot smell my own head), so do I wash my hair twice a week, or do I wait and wash it after the lesson? I.e. only once a week?

Not really a problem considering what's going in the world, but in my little ditto, it's something I think about. Not a lot though, but I gotta write about something :).

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