Sunday, January 25, 2015

Energy saving VII

Moving on to healthy lifestyle.

Enjoy hiking and bike holidays in Switzerland or at a neighbouring country.
No problem here, since I very seldom leave zone 10 in Zürich. And I do enjoy hiking, and biking (in the comfort of my home). 5 points out of top score 5.

Eat seasonal bio products.
Hmmm. I'm getting much better in buying what's in season for the moment, but bio is not my thing. I don't trust the label. However, more and more products cannot be found other than with that "bio" label, so I give myself 3 out of top score 5.

Eat vegetarian, as often as you can.
Yikes. I do eat a lot of vegetables these days, but cannot see a quality of life without chicken, beef and pork, so 2 points out of top score 5.

Relax in the forest, mountains or the beautiful lakes in Switzerland.
Absolutely, couldn't agree more so of top score 5 I get 5+.

Enjoy being without electronic devices such as smartphone, computer and similar, and shut them off when not in use.
Not a problem, I have no smartphone (and sometimes even forget to switch on my antique mobile phone), and even though my computer is always on when I'm home, I do switch off everything when not at home or sleeping.
4 points out of top score 4.

Use fitness in daily life, like walk or bike to work, to the fitness center or to grocery shop, to your meeting.
No issue here, since I don't have any means of transportation. I walk to everything, or use public transportation. 4 points out of top score 4.

21 for me, top score 26.


Anonymous said...

I do like holidays here, but I guess they are getting at reduction of flying, and since we go to Australia once a year, low points here: 1
bio: 5
vegie: 5
relaxing in CH: 5
turning stuff off: 4
not sure if this is about transport or fitness but assume transport: 4 (but soon to be lower :()
Total: 24


Witchbitch said...

Gonna start biking?