Saturday, January 24, 2015

Ole people rock

I was again serving coffee and cookies in the old peoples home today. I still enjoy it very much, they are sweet and talkative, even though I only understand half of what they say when speaking Swiss German.

And today I was on my own for the first time, normally we are two. Nineteen customers in two hours. This sounds not too much, and it isn't, but most of them arrive at the same time. However, all are very friendly, and I now know who needs what help and what they want most of the time.

One needs a half coffee and half milk in a tee glass, since his hands are shaking too much to hold a normal cup, another one wants one deciliter of rose wine in a bigger glass for the same reason. One wants a "gucki", i.e. a Coke with lemon, another one wants a glass of lukewarm water.

A new one today wanted a bottle of beer "but not cold". Ok, had to go into the kitchen and ask the guys there if there was a bottle that wasn't chilled. We were all laughing a bit, 'cause who wants warm beer? But I can understand. Well I guess, it's because of false teeth or something, that makes you not want to drink anything too cool.

Nevertheless, I do enjoy it and especially when the people there start to recognize me and greet me, worrying about me working alone and how can I cope? The fact that few of them remember my name is something I can live with, 'cause I don't know their names either.

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