Saturday, January 10, 2015


This year in November I have been blogging for ten years, and I am proud to say I do it for myself, not for anybody else. Even if I didn't have any readers, I would still be going. 'Cause it's for me. That said, I love when I get comments, especially challenging ones, but even if I didn't, I would still be going strong.

I hate it when famous people, whose blogs I read, suddenly stop without a comment why. That's when I realized most people do it for money or fame.

That leads to me think about Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. I'm on none of them. And I read in the newspapers about people being addicted. They cannot stop reading about other people's lives. How sad is not that?

I was on the bus yesterday, and had forgotten my book (yes I still read real books while travelling) and was watching people instead. Almost everybody was looking at their iphone or ipad or i-something I still haven't heard about.

Personally, I still prefer people in real life. They may not be perfect, like today when I was visiting some friends, and we disagreed on how to raise kids (haha, me the expert!), but they were real people. Irl. Not anybody online only.

Not everything was better before, but some things certainly were.

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