Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Energy saving VIII

The last round is also on healthy lifestyle.

Curtains can reduce the heat loss with up to a third, and you add a nice atmosphere to the room.
I don't have that problem, since I live in a minergy house and have no loss of heat through the windows. top score 2, mine 2.

Dark blinds are ideal for room with direct sunlight. They reduce the light coming in and keep the room nice and cool in the summer. Through clever heating and cooling you can save a lot of energy and you also sleep better when it's dark.
Well, this issue doesn't exist in my home. Again, it's minergy and energy-reducing and I actually like the sunlight. I do have curtains in my bedroom, as to stop direct sunlight but otherwise I like a bit of light. And I have no problems sleeping.
My score 2 out of top score 2.

Grow your own food and spices. When you have gotten used to have access to fresh ditto, you wouldn't want to go back.
I agree on this, but there is only so much you can do without a garden. I have fresh spices and herbs in the summer, and I freeze some of it, to be used in winter. Not all plants can survive a Swiss winter though.
I gave myself 1 out of 2 top score on this.

In total my points 5 out of top score 6.


Anonymous said...

No curtains (ugly! imho), but I do keep the exterior blinds closed when I am not home/not using a room: 1
I always keep blinds closed on very hot days to reduce any need for cooling (almost never an issue here though): 2
hopeless gardener but I try: 1
Total: 4 (A's easy scoring method would have given me 5 ;))


Witchbitch said...
